Investec Australia Property Fund Appoints Georgina Lynch As NED
Investec Australia Property Fund has appointed Georgina Lynch as an independent non-executive director of Investec Property Limited, the responsible entity of the Fund.
Georgina Lynch’s appointment takes effect 1 July 2019.
Georgina Lynch has over 25 years’ experience in the financial services and property industry. She gained early experience as a solicitor at Freehills and Mallesons Stephen Jacques and has held senior roles at AMP Capital Investors, Galileo Funds Management and Stockland.
More recently, Lynch has taken on a number of directorships, including as independent non-executive chairperson of Cbus Property, independent non-executive director of ASX-listed Viva Energy REIT and independent non-executive director of ASX-listed Tassal Group Limited.
Commenting on the appointment, Richard Longes, chairperson of Investec Property Limited, said, “Georgina brings significant global experience in corporate transactions, capital raisings, initial public offerings, funds management, corporate strategy and acquisitions and divestments to the board. Her skills compliment those of other directors and her appointment strengthens the independence of the board. We look forward to Georgina being an active contributor to the continued success of the Fund”.