KPMG appoints Geraldine Lawlor as Global Head of Financial Crime
Accounting giant, KPMG has announced the appointment of Geraldine Lawlor as a Partner in the UK firm and Global Head of Financial Crime. She was formerly Group Head of Financial Crime at Barclays.
Commenting on Lawlor appointment, Mark Cordy, UK Head of Financial Services, Forensic at KPMG said: “This is a real coup for us, as well as a vote of confidence in our vision, our people and our ability to serve our clients.”
Also commenting on her appointment, Geraldine Lawlor added: “I am hugely excited to join this pre-eminent business and lead an outstanding team of forensic professionals.”
David Hicks, the KPMG Global Head of Forensic said: “This is a phenomenal hire on many levels and I am really looking forward to working with Geraldine.”
KPMG’s Forensic practice is made up of accountants, investigators, economists, technology specialists, ex-law enforcement professionals and regulators. The Global Forensic practice has 4000 people who work with clients across a range of issues including fraud detection and prevention, business dispute, contract compliance, regulatory compliance and improving financial crime compliance.
About KPMG
KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, operates from 22 offices across the UK with approximately 17,600 partners and staff. The UK firm recorded a revenue of £2.40 billion in the year ended 30 September 2019. KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax, and Advisory services. It operates in 154 countries and has 200,000 professionals working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.