Abena Amoah, a stellar in the capital market industry
Abena Amoah, is one of Ghana’s leading female investment bankers and also the first female on the stock market.
Three years ago, she was appointed as the Deputy Managing Director of the Ghana Stock Exchange. In this position Ms. Amoah was responsible for the operational activities of the Exchange as well as assisting the then managing director in defining and executing the Exchange’s corporate strategies and plans.
She has been in the investment industry for more than two decades and is highly valued for her technical knowledge, business awareness, outstanding expertise and integrity she has portrayed for various institutions she has worked for. Currently, she is the Managing Director at the Ghana Stock Exchange.
In 2005, she worked as the Governor of Millennium Excellence Awards in 2005 and she received a Newmont Gold Ghana Highest Award for Excellence at the National Youth Excellence Awards the year after.
She was listed as one of WomanRising’s 100 Most Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs in Ghana in 2016.
From her past work posts, Abena has served as the Chief Executive Officer at Boabab Advisors, a financial advisory service, a board member of Wapic Insurance Limited (Ghana), Access Bank Ghana Limited, the Ghana Venture Capital Trust Fund, Pioneer Aluminum, NewWorld Renaissance Securities, Strategic African Securities, the Ghana Securities Industry Association, and the African Women’s Development Fund as Director and Chairman of the Finance Committee.
After years of working as a stockbroker and in the Investment Banking and Finance division at Renaissance Capital, Abena Amoah settled to inaugurate Boabab Advisors.
Abena Amoah graduated from the University of Ghana Business School.
She had her secondary school education at St. Roses Senior High School, Akwatia.
She has also undertaken academic and leadership studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Harvard Business School, and the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business.
Abena is a health and business enthusiast and the co-founder of The Step Club, a women’s health and fitness club who has mentored women as the Drill Mistress.