NIB Appoints Samuel Sarpong as MD
Mr Samuel Sarpong has been appointed as Managing Director of the National Investment Bank (NIB).
Until his appointment, Mr Sarpong was the Managing Consultant at OrgResilence Consult Limited.
Mr Sarpong has a vast and diverse working experience and will be leading the transformation of NIB to reposition it as one of the leading Ghanaian owned banks and a significant player in supporting the nation’s industrialisation agenda.
Mr Sarpong was part of the team that executed the transformational agenda at GCB Bank Limited serving in various capacities including Chief Transformation Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Acting Managing Director. He worked with GCB from 2008 to 2017.
Mr Sarpong has also worked with various organisations in Canada. He served as Policy Advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, as well as the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade from 1990 to 1995.
In 1996, he joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) holding senior positions in Credit Risk Management, and as Director of Lending Products. In 2005, Mr Sarpong joined General Electric Corporation’s Consumer Lending Business, (GE Money) in Canada.
As a Senior Manager at General Electric, he served as Risk Leader for three business units – Credit Cards, Risk Infrastructure and Fraud and Mortgages.
Mr Sarpong holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), MSc. from the University of Guelph, Ontario Canada, and an MBA from the Wifrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada. S